Nutritious food during pregnancy


Nutritious food during pregnancy

pregnancy It is especially important to include balanced, healthy and nutritious foods in your daily diet. It will help in maintaining good health of you and your unborn baby by ensuring the extra nutritional needs of pregnancy. Adhering to a balanced food list is very important to ensure proper formation and development of the unborn child as well as to prevent various health complications.

Food list for pregnant women

What should be the food list during pregnancy?

It is not good to have more of the same type of food in the food list during pregnancy. Try to have enough of different types of nutritious food every day. This will make it easier to meet all the nutritional needs. Also, you won't get bored of any food.

During pregnancy you may develop a stronger taste for certain foods. Do not eat too much of such food at once. Try to eat in moderation.

In some casesduring pregnancy Aversion to food. Sometimes nausea or heartburn. Does not want to eat. In such a case, you can eat small meals six times a day without eating a large meal at three times a day.

What to eat during pregnancy Nutritious food during pregnancy

How much food to eat during pregnancy?

Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you have to increase your intake. During the first three months of pregnancy, there is usually no need for extra food. But in the following months, you will have to eat a little more food than usual. In this case, eating unhealthy foods should be avoided as much as possible to ensure healthy weight gain.

How much extra food to eat during pregnancy can be calculated with the help of calories in the food. However, this need for extra food or calories during pregnancy should be met from different types of food rather than eating more of the same type of food. Having variety in the daily food list will meet the needs of different types of nutrients.

1 month to 3 month pregnant food list

During the first three months of pregnancy, it is not necessary to eat a lot of extra food.

Your food intake and calorie needs will depend on several things, including your height, weight and daily physical activity. If you gain weight, you can try to reduce the amount of food and increase the amount of exercise to get back to normal weight.

again lose weight If you have, you can increase the amount of food by keeping the exercise normal. Consult a registered dietitian on these matters. He can help prepare a meal plan specifically for you.

A sample daily food list for a pregnant woman is given below. This list is 1800 calories. This list applies to women who are 5 feet 2 inches tall, pre-pregnancy weight 55 kg and do light exercise 2-3 days a week.

Types of nutritious food during pregnancy


Rice (red rice is better)

2.5–3 cups (500–600 g)

Dark green and colorful vegetables

1–1.5 cups (250–375 g)

Yellow or orange fruits and vegetables

1 bowl (250 grams)



the milk

1 glass (250 grams)

Fish or meat

1 piece (50 grams)

Thick branches

2 bowls (500 grams)

Note that a limited amount of oil has been used while cooking the dishes in this list. Using extra cooking oil may not add much to the nutritional value of the food, but can add quite a bit of calories.

4 months to 9 months pregnant food list

As the baby grows in the womb, the food demand of the pregnant woman also gradually increases. Therefore, after the first three months of pregnancy, the amount of food and drink should be increased a little more than usual. A normal weight4 months to 6 months pregnant Almost every day for the first three months340 calories of extra food need to eat

On the other hand one is of normal weight7 months to 9 months pregnant compared to other timesAbout 450 calories of extra food have to eat However, if you are overweight, you should eat a little more extra food. Take detailed advice from your doctor in this regard.

Try to eat two light meals a day in addition to eating three meals a day to meet the need for extra food. A meal can be a piece of fruit, 5-6 nuts or half a cup of sour yogurt. Apart from this, if you are hungry, you can eat a moderate amount of healthy food at any time. How to estimate the calorie count in food?

Nutritional Precautions During Pregnancy

You can eat eggs in different ways during pregnancy. But remember that it should be fully boiled or cooked. In the case of milk, choose pasteurized milk. This is covered in detail in the next part of the article.

Note that just because you are carrying twins or more than two babies at once does not mean that you need to eat more extra food accordingly. Usually, if you have twins in the womb, you have to eat extra food equivalent to about 600 calories per day. And if you conceive three children together, you have to eat about 900 calories extra food daily.

Nutritious foods to keep in the diet of expectant mothers during pregnancy

It is especially important to include balanced, healthy and nutritious foods in your daily diet during pregnancy. It will help in maintaining good health of you and your unborn baby by ensuring the extra nutritional needs of pregnancy. Adhering to a balanced food list is very important to ensure proper formation and development of the unborn child as well as to prevent various health complications.

1) Dairy foods

During pregnancy, the fetus needs extra protein and calcium to grow properly.

Among the dairy foods 'chana' and 'ghol or matha', provide very high quality protein.

These milk-based foods meet the highest demand for calcium and also provide high levels of phosphorus, various B vitamins, magnesium and zinc.

Especially "yogurt" is most useful for pregnant women.

Yogurt carries more calcium than any other dairy food. Different types of yogurt also carry probiotic bacteria; Which increases digestion.

These dairy foods protect against gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, vaginal infections and allergies.

Vitamins and nutrients that are especially needed during pregnancy Nutritious food during pregnancy

(2) pods

Foods that carry pods are pulses, beans, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, peanuts - etc.

Pods are very readily available and a great food for expectant mothers, providing fiber, protein, iron, calcium and vitamin B-9.

Vitamin B-9 is very important for maternal and fetal health, especially during the first trimester.

However, pregnant mothers in various countries, including developing countries like ours, may not properly meet vitamin B-9 deficiency or are unaware of it.

Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to neurological complications in the baby, as well as low birth weight. It can also affect the child later in life in various ways, such as increased risk of infection and reduced immunity.

Legumes usually carry large amounts of vitamin B-9. Typically, one cup of lentils, chickpeas, or chickpeas provides 65-90% of the RDA.

However, pods provide high-quality fiber as well as iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.

(3) Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a very strong source of beta-carotene; After entering the body, it turns into vitamin-A.

Vitamin A is an essential element for the growth of various cells and tissues in the body. Also, plays an effective role in the growth of the fetus.

Pregnant women are usually advised by doctors to increase their vitamin A intake by 10-40%.

Notably, they are also advised to avoid or consume less vitamin A of animal origin as it can cause toxicity in large amounts.

For this reason, plant-derived vitamin A and sweet potato-derived beta-carotene are best for pregnant women.

Daily 100-150 grams of sweet potato is enough to meet the body's needs.

Sweet potatoes also carry 'seeds', which induce feelings of satiety, lower blood sugar levels, improve digestion and increase activity.

(4) Cotton fish

Roe fish provides essential omega-3 fatty acids for the body.

Most people as well as pregnant women are usually deficient in Omega-3.

Omega-3 fatty acids are very effective for pregnant women, especially long-chain DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids.

They are especially found in various seafood; Helps in the formation of the brain and eyes of the fetus.

Studies have shown that pregnant women who consume fatty fish 2 to 3 times per week have a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids. At the same time, their blood EPA and DHA levels increase.

It is also one of the natural sources of vitamin-D. It is a very important element for bones in our body and it also improves the immune system of our body.

(5) Eggs

Eggs are a basic health food. Eggs carry a small amount of nutrients required by the body.

A large egg contains 77 calories. Also carries a lot of protein and fat. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Eggs are also a source of choline. Choline is an essential nutrient that benefits the brain and body in many ways.

A study has shown that most people suffer from choline deficiency.

If the amount of choline is low, there is a disruption in the formation of the brain of the fetus and various problems occur in the child.

Just 1 egg provides 113 mg of choline, which is 25% of a pregnant woman's RDI.

(6) Cauliflower and green vegetables

Cauliflower and various green vegetables, especially kale and collard greens, provide many nutrients that are essential for pregnant women.

They carry much-needed fiber, vitamin-C, vitamin-K, vitamin-A, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium - etc.

Needless to say, cauliflower and leafy greens contain large amounts of antioxidants. At the same time, they increase the body's immune system and digestion.

These foods prevent constipation due to their high fiber content; A universal problem of pregnant women.

Also, proper amount of green vegetables intake helps the baby to gain proper weight.

(7) Meat

Beef, mutton, and chicken certainly provide high-quality protein.

Beef in particular is rich in iron, choline and various B vitamins; All of which are in high demand during pregnancy.

Iron is a very important mineral for our body which is used to increase the functionality of hemoglobin. Iron is important because it supplies oxygen to every cell in our body.

Pregnant women especially need it because the blood flow in their body increases. It is especially required in the last three months.

If there is a lack of iron during the first and middle stages of pregnancy, i.e. the first 6-7 months, then anemia can occur; As a result, babies may be born prematurely and become underweight.

However, many pregnant women experience nausea during pregnancy. But meeting iron needs is essential.

However, any type of meat can meet the daily iron requirement.

Also, foods that provide high amounts of vitamin-C, such as oranges and peppers, also provide iron.

(8) Fish liver oil

Fish liver oil Fish liver or produced from the liver.

These oils provide omega-3 fatty acids that help develop the brain and eyes of the fetus.

Fish liver oil Provides plenty of vitamin-D, which most people are deficient in. This oil is very important for people who cannot consume seafood or other sources of vitamin-D and omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin-D deficiency can lead to various problems in pregnant women, such as high blood pressure, swollen hands and feet, protein excretion in urine - etc.

Taking fish liver oil increases the weight of the baby and increases immunity in later life.

A very small amount Fish liver oil (at least 15 mg) is sufficient to meet the daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin-D and vitamin-A.

However, consuming too much of these nutrients is harmful. Because too much vitamin A can be very harmful to the fetus and too much omega-3 fatty acids can thin the mother's blood.

(9) Dry fruits

Dried fruits are rich in calories, fiber, various vitamins and minerals.

A piece of dried fruit provides just as much nutrition as a piece of fresh fruit; But without water and in small form.

Dry fruits also carry vitamins, iron and potassium which are very necessary for the body.

Potatoes are rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin-K and sorbitol. It contains natural flavoring ingredients and relieves constipation.

Dried dates are rich in iron, fiber, potassium and various essential compounds. Consuming dried dates daily during the last three months eases the spread of grebe.

Also, dried fruits contain a lot of natural sugar. It helps in increasing the calories and nutrients in the body. However, consuming dry fruits only once daily is good for expectant mothers.

Foods essential for nutrition during pregnancy

(10) Sufficient water

Blood flow increases to one and a half liters or 50 ounces during pregnancy. So it is very important to stay hydrated by drinking water properly during this time.

The fetus normally gets all its nutrients from the mother, but if the fetus does not drink enough water, the mother can become dehydrated.

Symptoms of mild dehydration include headache, anger, fatigue, moodiness and memory loss.

Increase drinking water If done, it causes relief from constipation and protects against urinary tract infections; Which usually happens to pregnant women.

It is generally recommended that everyone drink at least 2 liters or 68 ounces of water daily. But it can be different for everyone depending on age and condition.

So everyone must drink at least 1-2 liters of water daily. Again, let's not forget that we consume water from various foods and drinks, such as - fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee - etc.

Finally : Nutritious food during pregnancy, food list for expectant mothers

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