Motor Neuron Disease, Occupational Therapy for Motor Neuron Treatment, Treatment of Motor Neuron Disease, Motor Neuron Disease Medicine, Motor Neuron Disease, What is Motor Neuron, What is Motor Neuron Disease, Curable Motor Neuron Disease


Both amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and lateral sclerosis are motor neuron diseases, progressive disorders of the elderly that affect neurons in the ventral horn, medullary motor nuclei, and corticospinal tract. ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, causes muscle wasting due to loss of ventral-horn cells (lower motor neurons). Lateral sclerosis is the loss of axons in the lateral columns of the spinal cord (upper motor neurons of the corticospinal tract). A combination of upper and lower motor neuron symptoms is associated with these diseases, but muscle weakness and atrophy of two or more limbs are primary features. Brain, eyes and sensory system are not affected.

nerve injury

Nerve injuries affecting the axon away from the cell body act as neuronal neuropathy. There are three main grades of injury severity. In neurapraxia, there is a temporary interruption of impulse conduction, although the axon is intact. More severe stretching or truncation damage disrupts some axons and is called axonotmesis. An injury that actually severs a nerve is called neurotomesis; Surgical reattachment of severed nerve endings is required. Neurosurgery does not guarantee a quick recovery, since new nerve sprouts grow beneath the nerve structure at a rate of at most 1 to 2 mm (0.04 to 0.08 in) per day.

Motor Neuron Disease, Motor Neuron Disease Causes and Treatment, Rare Diseases Why Motor Neuron, Motor Neuron Disease

Each nerve in the human body contains numerous motor and sensory neurons. These i.e. motor neurons supply nerves to the muscles. Because the nerves or nerves composed of these neurons work properly, we can do the movements of our hands and feet, walking, swallowing food, talking etc. properly.

In motor neuron disease, the nerves (neurons) responsible for our movement, speaking, swallowing, breathing, etc., dry up or degenerate. As a result, the muscles through which the nerves are driven gradually wither. In English it is called amyotrophy.

Different parts of the nervous system can be affected in pea neuron disease. For example, the frontal lobe or the front part of the brain, various parts of the vital centers of the brain, such as the cortico-bulbar and cortico-spinal tracts, the nuclei of the cranial nerves emerging from the brain and the anterior horn cells located in the spinal cord, etc. In 75 percent of the cases, men are usually more affected than women. On average, people aged 55 years or older are affected by this disease.

In this disease, the nerves become dry. As a result, the nerves continuously lose their function. Neck and lumbar nerves are more affected by this disease. A thorough examination shows that the number of motor neurons continues to decrease.

The symptoms of this disease are - the muscles of the hands become dry and stiff, tremors in the muscles, inability to swallow food or water or food coming out of the nose when swallowing food, weakness in the muscles, difficulty in opening door knobs, lifting small things with hands. Inability, shortness of breath while lying down. Difficulty in speaking, difficulty in swallowing, excessive sputum production, dry muscles of hands and feet, thinking problems i.e. not coming to mind quickly, boys are affected by this disease two and a half times more than girls. The actual cause of this disease is not known.

Diagnosis requires EMG (Electromyogram), NCV (Nerve Conduction Velocity) and MRI of the neck.

No specific and permanent treatment for this disease has been discovered so far. Only symptoms and complications are treated. However, physiotherapy is somewhat beneficial. Survival after symptom onset is 2-5 years for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 8-10 years for progressive bulbar palsy, 2-4 years for progressive muscular atrophy.

Finally: Motor Neuron Disease, Motor Neuron Disease Causes and Treatment, Rare Diseases Why Motor Neuron, Motor Neuron Disease, Decoding the Causes of Motor Neuron Disease, Sensory Neuron Disease

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